Friday, December 18, 2009


In the year of 1508, the first contact lens was created of sketched, by the revolutionary artist Leonardo da Vinci. After 300 years, modern soft contact lenses were actually created and worn on the eyes and this time is was Otto Wichterle, chemist. The eye lubricating needed while wearing contact lenses; this lubricating gel was invented by Otto’s assistant Mr. Drahoslav Lím.

Today 125 million people do wear contact lenses. The world wide percentage is 2%. And among them 28 to 38 million are from USA and 13 million people of Japan. Reasons behind using contact lens are:

A. Spectacle is a style refusal sometime. Many wear leases to maintain the originality of the face.
B. Some time, spectacles are not sufficient, one extra power is needed due to heavy damage or eye power, and carrying a spectacle with thick and heavy glasses is really compassionate.
C. For sporting activities, contact lenses are must.
D. Wet weather less effect lenses than glasses.
E. They do not steam up.
F. It gives wider vision that spectacles.

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